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A story, a lesson.،،،Hazrat Musa once asked Allah AlmightyO Allah, who is the worst person of my Ummah?Allah Almighty said, the person you saw first tomorrow morning is the worst person of your Ummah.As soon as Hazrat Musa came out of the house in the morning, a man passed away holding his son on his shoulder.Hazrat Musa (AS) thought in the heartWell, this is the worst person of my Ummah.Then you spoke to Allah Almighty and saidOh God!Show him who is the best person of my UmmahAllah Almighty said, the person who first met you in the evening is the best person of your Ummah.Hazrat Musa (AS) started waiting in the eveningSuddenly, his eyes fell on the worst person in the morning.This is the person I met this morningHazrat Musa (peace be upon him) spoke to AllahO Allah, O Lord of the Merciful!What is this matter?The person who was the worst is the bestHow can it be?Allah Almighty saidIn the morning, when this man went out to the forest with his son on his shoulder, his son asked him.Dad,,, Is there anything bigger than this forest?He said itYes sonThese mountains are bigger than the forestSon saidFather,,,, There is something bigger than these mountainsHe said itYes sonThis sky is much bigger than the mountains.Son said itDad! There is something bigger than this skyThe father spoke in a cold sigh and sad voiceYes son, your father's sins are bigger than this sky.Son said itDad! There is something bigger than your sinThere was a glow on the father's face and saidYes sonGreater than the sins of your fatherIt is the mercy of my Lord and His forgivenessAllah the Lord of the worlds saidO Moses! I liked this person's confession of sin and shame so much thatI have made this worst person the best person of your UmmahI just forgiven all his sins.Changed sins with good deedsLesson۔۔۔۔Crying before your Lord and confessing sinBend yourself to Him with humilityIt's a very bad actGlory be to Allah, praise be to Allah, the GreatFarzana Tehseen
ک حکایت ایک سبق
حضرت موسی علیہ السلام نے ایک مرتبہ اللہ تعالی سے پوچھا
یا اللہ میری امت کا سب سے بدترین شخص کون سا ھے ؟
اللہ تعالی نے فرمایا کل صبح جو شخص تمھیں سب سے پہلے نظر آئے وہ آپ کی امت کا بد ترین انسان ھے
حضرت موسی علیہ السلام صبح جیسے ہی گھر سے باہر تشریف لائے ایک شخص اپنے بیٹے کو کندھے پر بٹھائے ھوئے گزرا
حضرت موسی علیہ السلام نے دل میں سوچا
اچھا تو یہ ھے میری امت کا سب سے برا انسان
پھر آپ اللہ تعالی سے مخاطب ھوئے اور کہا
یا اللہ !
میری امت کا سب سے اچھا انسان کون سا ھے اسے دکھائیں
اللہ تعالی نے فرمایا شام کو جو شخص سب سے پہلے آپ سے ملے وہ آپکی امت کا سب سے بہترین انسان ھے
حضرت موسی علیہ السلام شام کو انتظار کرنے لگے کہ
اچانک انکی نظر صبح والے بد ترین انسان پر پڑی
یہ وہی شخص جو صبح ملا تھا
حضرت موسی علیہ السلام نے اللہ سے کلام کیا
یا اللہ یا رب کریم!
یہ کیا ماجرہ ھے
جو شخص بدترین تھا وہی سب سے بہترین
کیسے ھوسکتا ھے ؟
اللہ تعالی نے فرمایا
صبح جب یہ شخص اپنے بیٹے کو کندھے پر بٹھائے جنگل کی طرف نکلا تو اس کے بیٹے نے اس سے پوچھا
ابا ،،، کیا اس جنگل سے بڑی کوئی چیز ھے
اس نے کہا
ہاں بیٹا
یہ پہاڑ جنگل سے بھی بڑے ہیں
بیٹا بولا
ابا ،،،، ان پہاڑوں سے بھی بڑی کوئی شئے ھے
وہ بولا
ہاں بیٹا
یہ آسمان پہاڑوں سے بھی بہت بڑا بہت وسیع و عریض ھے
بیٹے نے کہا
ابا ! اس آسمان سے بڑی بھی کوئی چیز ھے
باپ نے ایک سرد آہ بھری اور دکھ بھری اواز میں بولا
ہاں بیٹا اس آسمان سے بھی بڑے تیرے باپ کے گناہ ہیں
بیٹے نے کہا
ابا ! تیرے گناہ سے بڑی بھی کوئی چیز ھے
باپ کے چہرے پر ایک چمک سی اگئی اور بولا
ہاں بیٹا
تیرے باپ کے گناھوں سے بہت بہت بڑی
میرے رب کی رحمت اور اسکی مغفرت ھے
اللہ رب العزت نے فرمایا
اے موسی ! مجھے اس شخص کا اعتراف گناہ اور ندامت اس قدر پسند آیا کہ
میں نے اس بدترین شخص کو تیری امت کا بہترین انسان بنا دیا
میں نے اسکے تمام گناہ ناصرف معاف کر دئیے بلکہ
گناھوں کو نیکیوں سے بدل دیا ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔
اپنے رب کے سامنے رونا اور اعتراف گناہ کرنا
عاجزی سے اسکے سامنے خود کو جھکا دینا
بہت برا عمل ھے
سبحان اللہ وبحمدہ سبحان اللہ العظیم
Farzana Tehseen
OilFree Moong Daal ke Dahi Badey ||Dahi Vada || Yellow Lentil Dumpling
The Nation of Aad
Aad people
Aad was a nation that
They were very powerful
40 cubits tall
800 to 900 years old
Would not be old
Would not be sick
Don't break your teeth
The sight would not be weak
Young people stay healthy and strong
All they had to do was die
And nothing happened
Only death came
Allah Almighty sent Hazrat Hud (as) to them
They called for one God
Frightened by the grip of Allah
But they said
O Hood! Our gods have corrupted your mind
Go and read your Nafl
Don't scare us
Don't bother us
Do we follow in the footsteps of our forefathers?
You have lost your mind
Go do your work
Is it a pilgrim of great virtue?
If we obey you, we will starve to death
They challenged Allah with the flood of polytheism, oppression and sins
He spoke in arrogance and pride
Ad fأma fastكbrua uqalua Haq in the earth without having much strength from their God Ulm yrua klqهm Who does great strength minhum uكanua bayatna yjhdun )15(
So the people of 'Aad began to rebel in the land without any reason and said: "Who is stronger than we?" (2) Did they not see that He Who created them is mightier than they in strength? (2) They continued to deny Our revelations.
Is there anyone more powerful than us?
Who are you scaring us with?
God sent a famine
They ate all the grain
Cattle were eaten
Go on haraam
The rats were eaten by cats and dogs
The snakes ate
The tree fell and its leaves were eaten
Don't be hungry
There was no rain, no drop, no grain
Then he got bored and sent a delegation to Bethlehem
It was their custom to call on the one above when trouble came
When he was away, he would start worshiping his idols
Baitullah went to the delegation and said, "Pray to Allah for us to send rain."
Allah presented 3 clouds
He said: Choose one of them
They consulted with each other
That there is wind in red
White is empty
Black contains water
Ask for black
Allah Almighty said, "Come back, I will send a cloud."
They came back happy
Everyone gathered in a field
The cloud came
They danced that it would rain
The famine will end
Will get food
Did you know
That it is not rain but the punishment of Allah
What you used to say to Hud:
Bring it! Which frightens us
The wind was so strong in this cloud that
Who picked them up and blew up their houses
60 cubits tall, and the people were flying like straw
The wind hit their heads so hard that their messengers came out and hung on their faces.
Some people ran and entered the cave because the wind could not come here
But my Lord's command continues
The wind would blow into the cave like a whirlwind and pick them up and throw them out
Allah said
The rest is fruit
Is there anyone left?
Allah destroyed them and showed them that when you disobey Allah and His Messenger
Allah will send upon you torment from a place unthinkable
The sin of the people of Aad
Aren't we doing that?
Have we not transgressed the limits of Allah?
Have we not challenged Allah with our disobedience?
Fear Allah
Read the Quran
The sins which we consider trivial, Allah has made all nations fall to the ground for these sins
I ask forgiveness from Allah, my Lord, for all sins
Farzana Tehseen
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