Eternal Echoes: The Weight of a Thousand Years #surahassajdah #ThousandYears #quranicverses#shorts



Allah created the heavens and the earth, along with everything in between, in six days. After that, He established Himself on the Throne, signifying His authority and control over all creation.

Protection and Intercession:

The passage emphasizes that Allah is the only protector and intercessor. This means that no one else can help or defend you except Him, urging people to be mindful of their reliance on Him.

Divine Management: Allah manages all affairs from the heavens to the earth. Everything that happens is under His control.

Time and Ascension: It mentions that everything ascends to Allah on a Day that feels like a thousand years to humans. This illustrates the concept of time in relation to Allah's perspective, which is different from human understanding.

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