A story, a lesson.
Hazrat Musa once asked Allah Almighty
O Allah, who is the worst person of my Ummah?
Allah Almighty said, the person you saw first tomorrow morning is the worst person of your Ummah.
As soon as Hazrat Musa came out of the house in the morning, a man passed away holding his son on his shoulder.
Hazrat Musa (AS) thought in the heart
Well, this is the worst person of my Ummah.
Then you spoke to Allah Almighty and said
Oh God!
Show him who is the best person of my Ummah
Allah Almighty said, the person who first met you in the evening is the best person of your Ummah.
Hazrat Musa (AS) started waiting in the evening
Suddenly, his eyes fell on the worst person in the morning.
This is the person I met this morning
Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) spoke to Allah
O Allah, O Lord of the Merciful!
What is this matter?
The person who was the worst is the best
How can it be?
Allah Almighty said
In the morning, when this man went out to the forest with his son on his shoulder, his son asked him.
Dad,,, Is there anything bigger than this forest?
He said it
Yes son
These mountains are bigger than the forest
Son said
Father,,,, There is something bigger than these mountains
He said it
Yes son
This sky is much bigger than the mountains.
Son said it
Dad! There is something bigger than this sky
The father spoke in a cold sigh and sad voice
Yes son, your father's sins are bigger than this sky.
Son said it
Dad! There is something bigger than your sin
There was a glow on the father's face and said
Yes son
Greater than the sins of your father
It is the mercy of my Lord and His forgiveness
Allah the Lord of the worlds said
O Moses! I liked this person's confession of sin and shame so much that
I have made this worst person the best person of your Ummah
I just forgiven all his sins.
Changed sins with good deeds
Crying before your Lord and confessing sin
Bend yourself to Him with humility
It's a very bad act
Glory be to Allah, praise be to Allah, the Great
Farzana Tehseen

ک حکایت ایک سبق
حضرت موسی علیہ السلام نے ایک مرتبہ اللہ تعالی سے پوچھا
یا اللہ میری امت کا سب سے بدترین شخص کون سا ھے ؟
اللہ تعالی نے فرمایا کل صبح جو شخص تمھیں سب سے پہلے نظر آئے وہ آپ کی امت کا بد ترین انسان ھے
حضرت موسی علیہ السلام صبح جیسے ہی گھر سے باہر تشریف لائے ایک شخص اپنے بیٹے کو کندھے پر بٹھائے ھوئے گزرا
حضرت موسی علیہ السلام نے دل میں سوچا
اچھا تو یہ ھے میری امت کا سب سے برا انسان
پھر آپ اللہ تعالی سے مخاطب ھوئے اور کہا
یا اللہ !
میری امت کا سب سے اچھا انسان کون سا ھے اسے دکھائیں
اللہ تعالی نے فرمایا شام کو جو شخص سب سے پہلے آپ سے ملے وہ آپکی امت کا سب سے بہترین انسان ھے
حضرت موسی علیہ السلام شام کو انتظار کرنے لگے کہ
اچانک انکی نظر صبح والے بد ترین انسان پر پڑی
یہ وہی شخص جو صبح ملا تھا
حضرت موسی علیہ السلام نے اللہ سے کلام کیا
یا اللہ یا رب کریم!
یہ کیا ماجرہ ھے
جو شخص بدترین تھا وہی سب سے بہترین
کیسے ھوسکتا ھے ؟
اللہ تعالی نے فرمایا
صبح جب یہ شخص اپنے بیٹے کو کندھے پر بٹھائے جنگل کی طرف نکلا تو اس کے بیٹے نے اس سے پوچھا
ابا ،،، کیا اس جنگل سے بڑی کوئی چیز ھے
اس نے کہا
ہاں بیٹا
یہ پہاڑ جنگل سے بھی بڑے ہیں
بیٹا بولا
ابا ،،،، ان پہاڑوں سے بھی بڑی کوئی شئے ھے
وہ بولا
ہاں بیٹا
یہ آسمان پہاڑوں سے بھی بہت بڑا بہت وسیع و عریض ھے
بیٹے نے کہا
ابا ! اس آسمان سے بڑی بھی کوئی چیز ھے
باپ نے ایک سرد آہ بھری اور دکھ بھری اواز میں بولا
ہاں بیٹا اس آسمان سے بھی بڑے تیرے باپ کے گناہ ہیں
بیٹے نے کہا
ابا ! تیرے گناہ سے بڑی بھی کوئی چیز ھے
باپ کے چہرے پر ایک چمک سی اگئی اور بولا
ہاں بیٹا
تیرے باپ کے گناھوں سے بہت بہت بڑی
میرے رب کی رحمت اور اسکی مغفرت ھے
اللہ رب العزت نے فرمایا
اے موسی ! مجھے اس شخص کا اعتراف گناہ اور ندامت اس قدر پسند آیا کہ
میں نے اس بدترین شخص کو تیری امت کا بہترین انسان بنا دیا
میں نے اسکے تمام گناہ ناصرف معاف کر دئیے بلکہ
گناھوں کو نیکیوں سے بدل دیا ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔
اپنے رب کے سامنے رونا اور اعتراف گناہ کرنا
عاجزی سے اسکے سامنے خود کو جھکا دینا
بہت برا عمل ھے
سبحان اللہ وبحمدہ سبحان اللہ العظیم
Farzana Tehseen 

See Less


OilFree Moong Daal ke Dahi Badey ||Dahi Vada || Yellow Lentil Dumpling

Ingredients: 2 Cups Moong Dal - yellow lentil 1/2 cup chopped onion 2 tbsp chopped green chilli 4 tbsp Fresh chopped mint 4 tbsp fresh coriander 1 tsp crushed red chilli 1 tsp salt 1/2 tsp garam masala 1 tsp dry fenugreek or Qasoori methi 4 Cups Water - to soak the lentils 2 Cups of Vegetable Oil - 2 Cups of Water - for soaking fried vada

The Nation of Aad

 Aad people

Aad was a nation that

They were very powerful

40 cubits tall

800 to 900 years old

Would not be old

Would not be sick

Don't break your teeth

The sight would not be weak

Young people stay healthy and strong

All they had to do was die

And nothing happened

Only death came

Allah Almighty sent Hazrat Hud (as) to them

They called for one God

Frightened by the grip of Allah

But they said

O Hood! Our gods have corrupted your mind

Go and read your Nafl

Don't scare us

Don't bother us

Do we follow in the footsteps of our forefathers?

You have lost your mind

Go do your work

Is it a pilgrim of great virtue?

If we obey you, we will starve to death

They challenged Allah with the flood of polytheism, oppression and sins

He spoke in arrogance and pride



Ad fأma fastكbrua uqalua Haq in the earth without having much strength from their God Ulm yrua klqهm Who does great strength minhum uكanua bayatna yjhdun )15(

So the people of 'Aad began to rebel in the land without any reason and said: "Who is stronger than we?" (2) Did they not see that He Who created them is mightier than they in strength? (2) They continued to deny Our revelations.

Is there anyone more powerful than us?

Who are you scaring us with?

God sent a famine


They ate all the grain

Cattle were eaten

Go on haraam

The rats were eaten by cats and dogs

The snakes ate

The tree fell and its leaves were eaten

Don't be hungry

There was no rain, no drop, no grain

Then he got bored and sent a delegation to Bethlehem

It was their custom to call on the one above when trouble came

When he was away, he would start worshiping his idols

Baitullah went to the delegation and said, "Pray to Allah for us to send rain."

Allah presented 3 clouds




He said: Choose one of them

They consulted with each other

That there is wind in red

White is empty

Black contains water

Ask for black

Allah Almighty said, "Come back, I will send a cloud."

They came back happy

Everyone gathered in a field

The cloud came

They danced that it would rain

The famine will end

Will get food

Did you know

That it is not rain but the punishment of Allah

What you used to say to Hud:

Bring it! Which frightens us

The wind was so strong in this cloud that

Who picked them up and blew up their houses

60 cubits tall, and the people were flying like straw

The wind hit their heads so hard that their messengers came out and hung on their faces.

Some people ran and entered the cave because the wind could not come here

But my Lord's command continues

The wind would blow into the cave like a whirlwind and pick them up and throw them out

Allah said

The rest is fruit

Is there anyone left?

Allah destroyed them and showed them that when you disobey Allah and His Messenger

Allah will send upon you torment from a place unthinkable

The sin of the people of Aad

Aren't we doing that?

Have we not transgressed the limits of Allah?

Have we not challenged Allah with our disobedience?


Fear Allah

Read the Quran

The sins which we consider trivial, Allah has made all nations fall to the ground for these sins

I ask forgiveness from Allah, my Lord, for all sins


Farzana Tehseen

Homemade Strawberry Syrup For Drink||How to store Strawberry For a Long ...

The recipe is very easy and can be used in a variety of drinks. This simple strawberry syrup uses just 3 ingredients (and water!) and can be made in just 15 minutes. Use within drinks, drizzled over desserts and pancakes, or as a thicker sauce. Plus this recipe uses all-natural ingredients and is refined sugar-free, vegan, and can be made keto! Homemade strawberry syrup can be used for a number of purposes. It is most commonly added to beverages and cocktails to give them a strong, sweet strawberry flavour. Try adding it to lemonade to make strawberry lemonade or seltzer to make a strawberry spritzer. It makes a lovely addition to cocktails and mocktails. You can also drizzle it on pancakes or waffles as an alternative to maple syrup. So many possibilities!

My Kitchen life: Grilled Veggie Cheesy Panini Sandwich ||Grilled Ve...

My Kitchen life: Grilled Veggie Cheesy Panini Sandwich ||Grilled Ve...: This sandwich is so simple yet tastes amazing! An easy grilled panini made in no time. The vegetarian panini sandwich is a great lunch, dinn...

Grilled Veggie Cheesy Panini Sandwich ||Grilled Veggie Panini Recipe

This sandwich is so simple yet tastes amazing! An easy grilled panini made in no time. The vegetarian panini sandwich is a great lunch, dinner, tea time, and iftar recipe. The recipe for this sandwich is extremely easy and quick to prepare at home It is a delicious sandwich with cheese and roasted vegetables on panini bread. Simple to make, you can also give this to your kids for after school snacks.

Turkish Milky Roll || Malai Roll ||Desiccated Coconut Sweet Roll\Sultan ...

Turkish Delight Rolls or Sultan Rolls is a milky rolled pudding with cream in the centre. It is coated commonly with desiccated coconut

Best Creamy Custard Mini Fruit Tart || Easy Mini Custard Fruit Tart Recipe

Fresh fruit slices and a sweet custard filling on top of a bite-sized cookie shell how to make Fresh Fruit Tart |, an easy to make delicious Tart recipe. Fresh Fruit Tart is a yummilicious flakey shell, brimming with a rich cream filling that is topped with several fresh fruits! From Kiwi to Strawberries, to grapes to pomegranate all the yummy delightful fruits with sweet cream! So go ahead and make a yummy fresh fruit tart For DOUGH: Plain Flour 1 cup Salt 1/4 tsp Powder Sugar 2 tbsp Unsalted butter (soften) 1/4 cup or 60 gm Milk 2 to 3 tbsp For the Custard: Full-fat milk 2 cup Vanilla Custard Powder 2 to 3 tbsp Sugar 1/2 cup Cream 1 cup Salt 1/4 tsp Fresh Fruit Strawberry Kiwi Sprinkles Choco Chip

Ramadan Special Quickest Easiest Degi Chicken Korma just in 30 minute\\O...

Today am gonna show you How To Make Quick Easy Chicken Degi Korma For Ramazan Special. I am also showing step by step instructions and procedures of cooking. It is very easy to make and ready within 30 minutes only. So please try this outstanding recipe and do let me know how it tastes in the comment box. Don’t forget to Like & Subscribe to this effort. Ingredients: Cooking Oil 1 cup Chicken 1 kg Ginger garlic paste 2 tbsp Taste to Salt Red Chili Powder 2 tbsp Coriander powder 2 tbsp Turmeric Powder 1/2 tsp Yoghurt 250 gm Fried Onion 3 large sized Milk 1 cup Special Korma Maala Cumin seed 1 tsp Nutmeg & mace 1/4 tsp each Black cardamom 2 Green Cardamom 4 Cloves 4 Black Pepper 1/2 tsp Cinnamon Stick 2 #howtomakequickeasychickendegikormajustin30minuteinramadan

Loaded Cheesy Chicken Jumbo Pizza Roll ||Without Oven Pizza Roll\pizza h...

Pizza Rolls are handheld bites filled with cheese and all of your favourite pizza toppings. One way to make delicious pizza at home is to make this simple and delicious pizza roll without an oven. Ingredients For Dough: Plain Flour 4 cup Instant Yeast 2 tsp Salt 1 tsp Sugar 1 tbsp Vegetable Oil 2 tbsp Lukewarm Milk 1/2 cup Stuffing: Boneless Chicken 1/2 kg Chicken Tikka Masala 4 tbsp Yoghurt 1/2 cup Cream 1/2 cup Butter 2 tbsp Oregano 1 tsp Salt Capsicum Carrot Black Olives

Cheese Loaded Jumbo Chicken Malai Tikka Roll #shortvideo

For Ramadan 2021. I make Loaded Jumbo Chicken Malai Tikka Roll . It's My Coming Video

Beef Danedar Degi Korma || Shadiyon wala korma || Barey ke gosht ka korma

Here, I am talking about the beef korma recipe. As you know that beef is healthier than chicken. I also share chicken korma, Desi chicken korma, Chicken korma , Chicken karahi, Chicken karahi with you but today I am making a beef korma (shadiyon wala) recipe. . So try this recipe at home and enjoy it with your family. I hope you like this recipe and do let me know how to tastes in the comment below.

Bengali Chum Chum || Diwali Special Sweet || Chom Chom recipe

Today am gonna show you how to make Bangoli Chum Chum at home Ingredients Milk.... 1 & half litre Cornflour.... 2 tbs White Veniger..... 2 tbs Baking powder... 1/2 tsp Sugar.... 500 gm Water.... 1 cup Green Cardamom.... 4 to 6 Food colours Desiccated coconut Lemon juice # Diwali Special Chum Chum Recipe #Bengali Sweet Chom Chom #chum chum mithai recipe #how to make chum chum sweet #Dry Chom chom # Indian Sweet Cham Cham Sweet | Chum Chum Recipe | Eid Special

Pinwheel Potato Samosa || Potato Pinwheel Party Snack|| Pinwheel Samosa ...

Samosas are one of the most popular and wanted street food in the Pakistan & Indian subcontinent. They have a crisp exterior filled with tangy vegetable stuffing. Samosa pinwheels are easier to make than the original samosa, as making the outer cover is comparatively easier. I have also not added any onion or garlic to the filling, but you can add them if you want to. Also, normal samosas tend to be heavier on the digestive system. The bite-sized samosa pinwheels can be served in their place as appetizers or finger food at parties. They also go very well as a snack over a hot cup of tea, more so on a rainy day. For the dough: 1 Cup Plain Flour (Maida) 3 Tbsp Oil 1 Tsp Salt Tap water For the filling: 1/2 kg Potatoes 1 Tbsp Roasted Crush Cumin Seeds 1 TbspRoasted Crush Coriander Seed 1 Tsp Crushed Ginger 1 Tsp Red Chilli Powder 1 Tsp Dry Mango/ Khataee Powder 1 Tsp Salt, or to taste

My Kitchen Tour||Kitchen Organization ideas ||My kitchen

When I renovate my kitchen this year, I was so tempted to do a kitchen tour. But it took a lot of time for me to settle. Not a great organizer myself so took help from my husband.

Healthy Cream Fruit Chat ||Special Ramadan Recipe|| Creamy Fruit salad f...

Looking so nice and delicious cream fruit chat that we easily make that by the following this recipe with the easiest method This cream fruit chat is so a delicious dish that is looking so; good in this photo and I will make that at home without getting any trouble #howtomakehealthycreamyfruitchaatinramadan #iftarspecialcreamyfruitchatrecipe INGREDIENTS: 1 CUP YELLOW WATERMELON 1 cup LARGE BANANAS 2 KIWI FRUIT 1 cup TETRA PAK CREAM 3 TBSP SUGAR 1/2 tsp SALT 1/8 TSP BLACK PEPPER POWDER 3 tbsp Pineapple tang powder 2-3 Tbsp whipped cream 3 tbsp Mayonnaise 6 slices fresh orange

Unique Style Quick Easy Aloo Paratha For Sehri Special \ Potato Paratha

Aloo paratha is a popular Indian\Pakistani breakfast & Sehri. wheat flour and spiced potato mash for stuffing. it is one of the popular paratha recipes which is not only easy to make but also one of the tasty stuffed bread from the Indian & Pakistani cuisine. it is generally served for lunch and dinner with a choice of raita and pickle but can also be served for morning breakfast & sehri. 1.5 cup wheat flour 1 cup plain flour 1/2 kg boiled,, mashed potato 1 tbsp roasted cumin seeds 1 tbsp red chilli crushed 1 handful coriander leaves 3 tbsp vegetable oil / ghee 1 cup of fresh coriander 6 chopped green chilli salt as required

Jhatpat Tikka Masala Keema Fry Sehri Special || Quick Sehri Special

Fry Keema is another delicious recipe from Pakistani cuisine. Make a spicy Masala and fry minced meat in it to give it an ultimate taste. Now you can try out the unique Fry Keema recipe from this channel. Follow the method to get the best results. You can serve fry Keema with Tandoori Naan or Paratha. Try out this delicious recipe this Ramadan for Iftar dinners and Sehri. It's a very quick simple & easy Keema recipe with tikka flavour. Ingredients: Beef Minced 1/2 kg Oil 1/2 cup Yoghurt 1/2 cup Ginger garlic paste 1 tbsp Green Chillies 4 to 6 Tikka Masala 4 tbsp Ginger

Sweet & Sour Green Tamarind Sauce || Imli ki khatti meethi hari chatney

Ingredients : Soaked Tamarind 200 gm Jaggery 150 gm ginger powder 1 Tsp Cumin Powder 1 Tsp Black Salt 1 Tsp Carom Seed 1/2 tsp Green Chilli 10 to 15 Fresh Coriander 1 bunch Fresh Mint 1 bunch Garlic cloves 6 to 8 There are different types of chutneys sweet, tangy, spicy and salty. Today I am sharing an easy, tasty and very special recipe i.e. “Imli Ki Khatti Meethi Chutney”.This chutney compliments samosas, pakoras and other snacks, especially during this rainy weather. It is easy to fix and delicious recipe. This Pakistani style imli ki khatti meethi chutney is a mouth-watering dip and loved by kids and adults both. No need to buy this chutney from Bazar when you can make it more hygienically at home on a low cost. Just follow these easy steps to make imli ki chutney. Don’t forget to give your feedback about this recipe. Let’s Learn from this recipe how you can make sweet and sour tamarind dip at home :

How to make Bread Katori Chaat ||Bread Bowl Salad Recipe Ramadan 2021

Here are a few Iftar & tea time snacks recipes that you can try and enjoy. Ingredients: 6 Bread Slices 1 tbsp Butter 1/2 kg Potatoes (Boiled, Peeled and Mashed) 1 Onion (Finely Chopped) 1 Tomato (Finely Chopped) 3 tbsp Green Chutney 1/4 cup Curd 1 tsp Chaat Masala 1 tsp Sugar As required Salt 1 tsp Coriander Leaves Fresh capsicum Cucumber

No Cream No Cheese Milky Silky White Sauce Pasta Macaroni

Super Simple And Delicious Creamy Garlic Pasta Recipe Packed With Flavor. This Dish Is Perfect By Itself Or You Can Add Chicken Too! Try this White sauce pasta with it's silky milky smooth & aromatic sauce made from butter , milk & plain flour. I bet you will enjoy for 1st to the last spoon. Ingredients: 500 gm macaroni pasta 1 tbsp chopped garlic 2 tbsp plain flour 1.5 cup milk 1 tsp white pepper (powder) 1/3 tsp mixed herbs 1 tsp salt 1 tbsp oil 2 tbsp butter 1/2 tsp Oregano 1/2 tsp dry parsley 1 tsp red chilli flakes 1 cup chopped capsicum 1 tsp crushed green chilli

Chicken Do Piyaza || Murgh Do Piyaza || How to cook Do piazza chicken

Spicy Chicken do piyaza curry which has double the number of onions and this curry has a sweet flavour from the onions which taste so yummy It is also a very popular recipe in Bengali cuisine too. Hope you will give this a try and let me know how it turns out for you.

Life Is Full Of Colors || Enjoy Till End #shortvideo

found Clours of life in this bubble ball. I don"t want enemies I want Friends, and I want them in all shapes, size & colours, and loving whoever they want to (Kavin Heart)

Basen Ki Roti Timater Ki Chatni Ke Saath|| Gram flour Roti +Tomato Chatni

2 cup Gram Flour/Chickpea Flour (Besan) 1 cup Whole Wheat Flour 4 Tbsp Fresh Coriander – Chopped 1 Large Green Chilli – Chopped 1 Tsp Cumin Seed 1 Tsp Salt – As per taste 1/2 Cup Water – Keep 2-3 tbsp extra Tomato Chatni: 1/2 kg tomatoes (chopped) 2 tbsp oil 1/2 tsp cumin seeds 1/2 crushed red chilli 2 slit green chillies salt – to taste 1/2 tsp red chilli powder 1/2 tsp of turmeric powder

How To Cook Madrasi Tadka Daal Chawal || Madrasi Daal Tadka

Dal rice is a very Healthy and regular food in every household of India & Pakistan. Here is most humble, soul-satisfying food in Indian Pakistani cuisine. Dal Chawal. There is no comfort food like Dal Chawal. Whenever you are feeling little under the weather than hot dal chawal comes to the rescue. Perfect for winters, summers or rainy season. All dishes on one side and dal chawal on one. Ingredients: 2 cups split Yello lentils 3 cups of water 1 tsp turmeric 1 tsp salt 4 tbsp Clarified ghee/oil 1 tbsp Crushed red chilli 2 garlic cloves, finely chopped 3 Tomatoes 1 cup Fresh coriander 2 Green chillies 1/2 tsp whole spice powder Tarka : 2 tbsp clarified butter 1 tsp oil 4 cloves Garlic chopped 3 Dry red chilli 2 green chilli Cumin 1 tsp Rice Ingredients 1 kg Basmati Rice Soak for 1/2 hour 2 bay leaf 4 Cloves 1 Cinnamon 1/2 cup Oil

Lajawab Gajar Ki Burfi ||Carrot Burfi ||Carrot Sweet

Today am gonna show you How to make Gajar Burfi - Delicious fudge made from carrots and served with dry fruits. Carrot Burfi or carrot is a classic dessert made with carrot and milk. This burfi is packed with all the goodness of carrots.. Carrot burfi is perfect for Guests. INGREDIENTS: 2 tbsp ghee / clarified butter 1 Kg Grated Carrot 1 cup milk 1 cup of sugar 1 milk powder, full cream 2 tbsp almonds +Pistachio, chopped White Sauce: 1 & 1/2 cup Khoya / Ricotta Cheese Milk 1 cup 1/2 cup milk powder 1/3 cup Sugar

5 Minute Noodles Manchurian || Quick Fast Noodles Recipe for vegetarian

This One Pan Veg Noodle and Manchurian Stir Fry is an Indo-Chinese meal that is a hit among kids! It's full of veggies and is made in a very healthy way so you can serve it to them without worrying about the Manchurian being too oily! Manchurian. It's a very simple recipe and a quick one too. Though vegetable chopping might take some time it's all worth the effort. Ingredients: 4 packet noodles 4 tbsp sesame oil 1 tsp vegetable oil 2 tsp chopped garlic 1 green chilli sliced 4 tbsp Green part of spring onion chopped 4 tbsp julienne carrot 4 tbsp julienne capsicum 4 tbsp white onion chopped 2.5 tablespoons soy sauce 2 tbsp vinegar 2 tbsp brown sugar optional 1 tsp black pepper powder 1 tsp salt or to taste 1/2 tsp Chicken powder 2 tbsp chilli sauce 2 tbsp soy sauce 2 tbsp ketchup 2 packet of tastemaker

Motichoor ke Laddoo || How To Make Motichoor Laddoo at home

Wondering how to make Motichoor Ladoos at home? Try this easy Motichoor Ladoo recipe with step by step instructions! Ingredients: For Sugar Syrup ▢1 cup of sugar ▢½ cup of water ▢ 1/2 tsp of Orange food colour For Making Boondi: ▢1 cup gram flour ▢1/2 tsp Orange food colour ▢¾ cup of water ▢1/2 tsp green cardamom powder ▢½ tbsp Pistachios crushed ▢Ghee for deep frying ▢a bit of oil or ghee for applying on the palms while shaping the ladoos

Cheesy Chicken Tikka Crepes || French crepes in desi style || Making Cre...

Today am gonna show you how to make Cheesy Chicken Tikka Crepes at home 1 cup Plain flour 2 tbsp butter 1 egg 1/2 cup water 1/2 cup milk salt to taste 150 gm chicken boneless 1/2 tsp garam masala powder 1 tsp red chilli powder 1 tsp lemon juice 1 tsp ginger garlic paste 1 tbsp curd 1-2 tbsp oil 1 onion 3 tbsp capsicum 1/2 tsp black pepper powder 1 green chilli -chopped 1/2 cup mozzarella cheese 1 tbsp all-purpose flour for slurry 2 tbsp water for slurry 1 tbsp oil

How to make Cheese Slice at home || Burger Cheese Slice Recipe

Ingredients ; Milk - 4 cup Butter - 2 tbsp Salt - 1/2 tsp Gelatine powder - 2 tbsp Cheese - 4 slices food colour - 1/2 tsp

Homemade Stuffed Chicken Tortilla Wraps|| Mc chicken wrap recipe

Forget shop-bought and try homemade tortillas. They'll store for two days or you can freeze them to use later. They're perfect for wraps Serve this veggie-packed fried chicken tortilla to your family for a quick weekend dinner. For Tortilla: Ingredients 4 cups all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon salt 1 tbsp Milk powder 1 teaspoon baking powder 2 tbsp Shortening / Ghee / Butter 2 cup of warm milk For Stuffing: 1 kg Boneless Chicken 2 tsp ginger garlic paste 1 tbsp cumin powder 1 tsp coriander powder 2 tsp Red chilli powder 1 tbsp milk powder 1 tbsp chicken powder 1 tbsp ketchup 1 tbsp chilli garlic sauce

How to make Hyderabadi Junglee Pulao||Vegetable chicken pulao

Ingredients 1 kg of chicken 1 Kg, Sela rice 2 cinnamon sticks 4 cloves 4 green cardamoms - split 2 Bay leaves Peppercorns 6 Ginger Garlic Paste 2 tbsp 6 green chillies slit 1 tsp Black pepper powder 2 tsp cumin 1/2 tsp red Chilli flakes 2 tbsp. Salt 1 cup of plain yoghurt 1 1/2 tsp dried mint 1 Bag Pulao Spice 2 Boiled Eggs 2 Beaten Eggs Mixed diced vegetables of your choice (you can use carrots, beans, Peas, potatoes, cabbage)

Quick Easy Orange & Custard Trifle|| Easy dessert for guests

Guests are pleasantly surprised to see this lovely trifle on my table A layered trifle dessert may look difficult and involved, but this one is actually quite easy, especially when you consider the make-ahead components. Ingredients 1-litre milk 5 tbsp cornflour 6 tbsp sugar 1/2 tsp vanilla powder 1 tsp melted butter 1 tbsp gelatine powder Orange Sauce 1/2 litre of Fresh Orange juice 5 tbsp of sugar 1/4 tsp of salt 4 tbsp Cornflour 1 tbsp Gelatine powder 1/2 tsp of orange food colour

Spicy Chicken Tikka Pulao Recipe Step by Step with English subtitle

Want to change your taste from regular biryani or pulao recipe, try this hot and spicy Chicken Tikka Pulao recipe in Urdu & English, sometimes also stated as Murgh Tikka Pulao and get fascinated by one of the most delicious recipes in the world. It has everything from mild flavour to richness of the meat and contains all the spices which will give marvellous taste to your taste-buds. Prepare this recipe at home for your guests by just following the super easy cooking style and step by step guide to cook Chicken Tikka Pulao of Sooperchef. The taste of this dish is different from regular pulao recipe as it contains grilled chicken with a lot of hot spices along with lemon juice and yoghurt which not only makes this dish unique but also special and delicious. Enjoy the recipe of Chicken BBQ Pulao and cook at home by following the steps below. Ingredients For Marinating 1 & 1/2 Kg chicken salt as required 1 tsp pepper powder 1 tsp garam masala 1 tbsp red chilli powder 1 tbsp ginger garlic paste 1lemon 1 cup yoghurt 1/4 tsp orange-red colour optional For Pulao 1 Kg basmati rice 2 large onion long thinly sliced 8 green chillies salt as needed 2 tbsp tikka masala 1 tsp ginger garlic paste 3 cardamom pods 1 tsp fennel seeds 1/4 cup mint leaves 2 tsp ghee/clarified butter 1 cup ghee whole garam masala spices For Chicken Tikka Masala 3 tbsp oil 1/3 cup diced onions 1/3 cup diced green peppers 1 tsp red chilli powder 1/2 tsp ginger garlic paste 1/3 cup tomato paste 1/2 tsp garam masala 1/8 cup chopped coriander salt as per the taste #howtomakechickentikkapulaoathome #murghpulaokasebanatehain

Ultimate Decadent Chocolate Creamy Moist Cake With Chocolate Ganache + g...

his chocolate cake is rich, moist, and decadent. Perfect for the ultimate chocolate lover. The Most Amazing Chocolate Cake is full of moist, chocolatey perfection. This is the chocolate cake you’ve been dreaming of!

Extreme Chicken Pancake just in 10 minute/lunch box recipes for kids

Use leftover roast chicken and ready-made pancakes to make this speedy savoury pancake recipe. It’s creamy makes a decadent pancake day treat. 1/2 kg boneless chicken 1 cup plain flour 1 tbsp salt 1 egg, 1 tsp crushed red chilli 1/2 fresh coriander 1 tsp garlic powder 1 tsp ginger powder 1 tbsp coconut milk powder

Homemade Singaporean Rice Easy Recipe Step by Step

Singaporean Rice is a delicious Pakistani fusion dish that’s layered with rice, noodles with stir-fried vegetables, spicy chicken curry, and topped with a mayo sauce. It’s basically heaven in a plate. Ingredients: For the Chicken ▢2 tablespoons oil ▢1 tablespoon ginger garlic paste ▢1 kg boneless chicken cut into Jullian strips ▢1 tablespoon soy sauce ▢1 tablespoon vinegar ▢1/2 teaspoon red chilli powder ▢1/2 teaspoon black pepper ▢1 teaspoon chilli sauce ▢1/2 cup ketchup ▢2 tablespoons water For the Stir-Fried Noodles & Vegetables: ▢1 tablespoon oil ▢1/2 cup capsicum thinly sliced ▢1 cup cabbage thinly sliced ▢1/2 cup carrots thinly sliced ▢2 tablespoon soy sauce ▢Salt & pepper to taste ▢1/2 teaspoon red chilli powder ▢400 grams of noodles boiled ▢1/4 teaspoon sesame oil ▢1/2 cup spring onion chopped For the Mayo Sauce: ▢1/2 cup mayonnaise ▢1/3 cup ketchup ▢1 teaspoon chilli garlic sauce For the Rice: ▢4 cups of boiled rice

Hyderabadi Baghare Baingen Stuffed Brinjal / eggplant

Make a fine masala paste of all the roasted ingredients which are peanuts, coconut, onions, sesame seeds and put it aside.

In a cooking pot, add oil and heat it, add cumin seeds, mustard seeds and allow them to crackle.

Add fenugreek seeds, dried red chillies, saute well, add curry leaves.

Add the brinjals/eggplant/baingan and fry them well until the color of the baingan changes.

Add ginger garlic and saute well for few minutes.

Add the masala paste into it, mix well.

Add salt, red chilli powder, turmeric powder, coriander powder, mix well and cook the masala until oil appears at the corners.

Add the tamarind extracted pulp and stir well.

Add water if required and salt too.

Add tomato which is cut into two halves.

Cook the whole bagara baingan ka salan until the gravy thickens and oil appears.

Garnish with coriander leaves.

Serve hot with roti or rice.

Hyderabadi Achari Lauki ka Salan /Bottle Gourd Gravy/Hyderabadi Kadu

Ingredients 1 kg Lauki/ kadu/Bottle Gourd 2 Sliced Onion 1 tsp Ginger garlic paste 1/2 cup yoghurt 3 Slit Green chillies 1/2 tsp Turmeric Powder 1 tsp Salt 1/2 cup Oil 2 tsp crushed green chillies 1 Tbsp Fresh Coriander 1/2 tsp Carom Seed 1/2 tsp Funnel seed 1/2 tsp Fenugreek seed 1/2 tsp Cumin seed

Punjabi Gajar Ka Halwa withot khoya /Carrot Milk Halwa without ricota ch...

Gajar means carrot in Hindi and Urdu, gajar halwa is more commonly described as Indian or Pakistani carrot pudding garnished with nuts ad dry fruits. You need fresh carrots, milk, sugar and ghee as main ingredients to make this halwa. If you make halwa with milk, the cooking time is very long. So to reduce cooking time, I’m using Milk powder in this recipe. And this is the same method used by most commercial restaurants. So, this is also a restaurant/ sweet shop style halwa. Carrot Halwa recipe with a detailed step-by-step guide and video shares the traditional way of making a delicious gajar ka halwa without any shortcuts. But I also share making this rich carrot halwa with milkmaid, khoya and in the Instant Pot in this helpful post.

Dalgona Coffee Caramel Hot Custard Delight/Candy biscuit custard

Dalgona is a south Korean sweet that’s very popular with kids. Sugar is caramelized to a golden brown and then baking soda is added to make it frothy and foamy. This is poured over a sprinkling of sugar and then flattened using a stamp. Once flattened, a cutter is used to stamp one or more shapes onto it.

Fresh Orange Juice Pound Cake With Fresh Orange Juice Glazed Ganache/Ke...

Ingredients 1 & 3/4 cups all-purpose flour, sifted 2 teaspoons baking powder 3 large eggs 3/4 cup granulated sugar 1/2 cup vegetable oil 1 fresh orange Orange zest from 3 tbsp 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract 1/2 teaspoon salt Orange Glazed Ganache 1 cup Fresh Orange Juice 1/4 cup sugar 1 tablespoon Cornflour

Ramadan Special Chicken Fajita Pancake Roll by Asian Cuisine by farzana

Today am gonna show you how to make Chicken Fajita Pancake roll at home Ingredients of filling: 500g Chicken boneless 1/2 cup Capsicum (julienne) 1/2 cup Tomato (julienne) 1/4 cup onion (chopped) 1 tbsp Green chillies 2 tsp Red chillies flakes 2 tsp Garlic paste 2 tbsp Hot sauce 2 tbsp Lemon juice 1/2 tsp Salt Oil as required Ingredients for tortilla bread: 2 cups Flour 1/2 tsp Baking powder 1/2 tsp Salt 2 tbsp Oil Ingredients of salsa sauce: 1/2 cup Tomatoes (chopped) 1 tsp Cumin powder 1 tsp Red chilli flakes 1/2 tsp Sugar 3 tbsp Onion (Chopped) 1/4 tsp Salt 1 tbsp Oil

HOW TO MAKE MEAT PIE/Nigerian Meat Pie Recipe

Ingredients ▢2 tbsp vegetable oil ▢1 kg ground beef ▢1 tbsp salt ▢1 tsp paprika ▢1 tsp chilli powder ▢1 tsp cumin ground ▢1/4 tsp ground white pepper ▢1/2 tsp ground black pepper ▢1 small yellow onion chopped ▢1 green pepper chopped ▢1 tsp dried thyme ▢2 tbsp all-purpose flour ▢2 tbsp water ▢Pie Dough ▢1 egg ▢Vegetable oil for frying

How to make Crispy Juicy Imarti at Home / Quick Perfect Imarti ki recipe

Imarti or Amriti (Bengali: অমৃতি) is sweet from India and Bangladesh. The place of the sweet's origin is India and the time of its origin dates back to the Vedic era.[1] It is made by deep-frying vigna mungo flour batter in a circular flower shape, then soaking in sugar syrup. Alternative names include Amitti,Amriti, Emarti, Omritti, Jahangir and Jhangiri/Jahangiri. This dish is not to be confused with Jalebi which is thinner and sweeter than Imarti.[2] Amitti is a really popular Iftar item in Bangladesh.[3] It is a speciality of Sylheti desserts for Iftari that is made of without any food colour. About Imarti Recipe | Indian Sweets Recipe: A popular Indian sweet, Imarti is also known as Jaangiri and belongs to Rajasthan. A circular-shaped dessert, Imarti is served both cold or warm. It has quite a similar taste and cooking method to the famous Jalebi. You can cook this delightful, bright sweet dish at home with simple ingredients and within an hour. Prepare this imarti recipe at home and serve on festive occasions like Diwali and as a good alternative to usual desserts for dinner parties. Ingredients in Imarti Recipe: Made with an Urad dal (Bengal gram) batter in a circular shape, deep-fried and finally dipped in sugar syrup. A sinful Indian dessert to indulge in Ingredients 1 Cups Dhuli urad dal soaked 4 to 6 hour 2 cups Sugar 1 cup Water Food colour 1/2 tsp Cardamom ground 500 gram Ghee (to fry)

Silky Creamy Tomato Soup/Best Appetizer Tomato Soup

This simple homemade tomato soup is quick, easy, and insanely delicious. This soup is absolutely delicious! Although, I must admit I made several changes - mostly based on previous reviews! I've made this several times and always double the recipe. I saute lots of chopped garlic in olive oil and then add the chopped onions ..... 1/2 Kg Red tomatoes 1 medium onion 1 small carrot 1 tbsp chopped garlic 2 green chillies 2 tbsp olive oil 1 tsp Butter 1/2 cup tomato ketchup 1.5 tsp Salt 1/2 tsp chicken powder 1 tsp black pepper powder 1 tsp white pepper powder 1/2 tsp red chilli powder 1/4 tsp paprika powder 1 pinch red food colour 2 tsp cornflour 1 cup of water 2 tsp cream

Healthy Methi Moong Daal /Bhuni hoee methi moong dal ki sabzi

Methi Moongdal, perfect healthy side for any meal.Methi Moongdal, perfect healthy side for any meal. leaves and split yellow dal. Methi Moongdal can be a very healthy accompaniment for any main meal with the goodness of fenugreek leaves and moong dal. The combination of leafy vegetables and dal create a nutritious side dish. It is mildly spiced with chilli powder and flavoured with the tempering made with cumin seeds and garlic. Fenugreek leaves are one of the most popular and easily available leafy vegetables in India. They are slightly bitter in taste but the addition of yellow split dal reduces the bitterness of fenugreek leaves. This is very healthy subzi because of fenugreek leaves as it reduces cardiovascular risk, helps control diabetes, and aids digestion! Enjoy yummy sabzi option with the goodness of methi. Ingredients: 250 g - yellow moong dal 250 g - fenugreek leaves 2 tsp - ginger garlic paste Salt as per taste 1/2 tsp - turmeric powder 1 tsp - red chilli powder 1 tsp - coriander powder Oil for cooking 4 Green chillies Whole Spices Cumin seed 1 tsp Black pepper 1/2 tsp Cloves 4 Cinnamon stick 1 Bay leaf 1 Black Cardamom 1 #howtomakenutriciuosyellowlentilfenugreedfryathome

Kam khana ya bhooka rehna

Blood Money (Diyat): A Path to Peace

  Explanation: Islam establishes the principles of Qisas (retribution) and Diyat (blood money) to ensure justice, prevent bloodshed, and pr...